“You can’t get there from here.” How many times have we heard that? We still try. The fact is, we do eventually get there, but it is often not from here. Why?
Business Management
Keys to Operational Success
Don’t Take Credit – it belongs to your team.
Take the Blame – you did not lead the team correctly
Winter Is Coming
For those of you who are fans of Game of Thrones you know this ominous refrain, for the rest of you, it means beware of the coming hard times.
Data Prenup
In 2011, long before we worried about ransomware taking down our businesses for weeks or months at a time as happened in July 2024, I sat down with one of the “C”s at Asbury Auto Group,
Acquisition Services
The Broker tells you this is a “Great Deal” for your portfolio but how do you know.
At Passion4Profit, we do the due diligence before you sign the LOI to determine if the deal is right for you.
Structuring for Profit
Why is it that “back in the day”, you made a lot of money selling fewer cars with fewer stores and less headaches?
What was it that was different?
Purchasing a Dealership
Successful acquisitions are a matter of planning and, more importantly, execution. Each step of the plan needs to be executed at the right time for the project to fall into place, on time, and on budget. Making that happen requires a knowledge base of all the challenges you will encounter when adding another store to your group.
Passionate About Profit
All too often we forget the Goal of the business. Peter Drucker said the purpose of a business is to create customers, but what is the Goal?
The Goal is to make a Profit.